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AutoresTituloPublicado en
Jaime Cerda, Alberto Avalos, and Mario Graff A Graph-Based Model for Quadratic Separable Programs and Its Decentralization Transactions on Engineering Technologies, 229-245
Esther Barrios-Martínez, Luis M. Castro, Claudio Rubén Fuerte-Esquivel and César Angeles-Camacho An integrated power flow solution of flexible AC transmission systems containing wind energy conversion system Modeling and Control Aspects of Wind Power Systems, Intech, ISBN: 978-953-51-1042-2, March 2013, pp. 117-132
Flores, Juan; Antolino, Anastacio; Garcia, Juan M.; Calderon, Felix Hybrid Network Anomaly Detection - Learning HMMs Through Evolutionary Computation In book Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Concepts & Applications. pp. xxx - xxx. Editor: Claudio Rocha. iConcept Press. USA. 2012. ISBN: 978-14775547-3-9
Edgar N. Sánchez, Alma Y. Alanis and Jesús Rico, Electric Demand and Electricity Price Forecasting Using Higher Order Neural Networks Trained by Kalman Filtering Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Economics and Business, MING ZHANG, CHRISTOPHER
Calderon Felix, Flores Juan and Romero Leonardo Robust Parametric Image Registration. Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms: Methodologies, Architectures, and Reviews. Editor Crina Grosan y Ajith Abraham. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Editor Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. ISSN 1860-949X (Print) 1860-9503 (Online). Volume 75/2007. ISBN 978-3-540-73296-9. pp 337-360. 29 de agosto de 2007
Romero L and Calderon Felix A Tutorial on Parametric Image Registration. Scene Reconstruction, Pose Estimation and Tracking ISBN 978-3-902613-06-6 Edited by: Rustam Stolkin Publisher: I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria Publication date: June 2007.
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